Time moved on but the weather is still freaking cold and all tracks are closed.
So I spent some more time fiddeling around on the Build.
quick testrun around the house some weeks ago before the new suspension and triple clamps where installed
Ignore the ratterling noise of the chain xD the chain tention was way too tight read somewhere on EV´s you need to have it more on the tighter side but I put it back to CRF Manual Chain Slack after that and now it sounds normal.
after a few testruns I noticed I am not a huge fan of the left hand rear brake as I thought I would be...
so now I am getting back to rear foot brake and since I have space now on the left side of the Handlebar I can install an "E-Clutch" Lever

I bought another E-Cable box that just translates a Steel Wire Signal into an electrical signal and wired it up to my EBMX Controller instead of the Thump throttle that you could use for Regen Brake, normal throttle or E-Clutch. I used it as E-Clutch before and liked the feature so now I am going to move that physically from the Thumb throttle to a real clutch lever:
just having to wait for a few more parts (clutch lever & cable) but the electical side is fixed already.
and lastly I have installed now a Magnetic Pull Killswitch that cuts the 5v+ Signal the throttle is getting:
for anyone who wants to recreate this its an "opener" killswitch [NOT A "CLOSER"]
the opener opens the circuit once the magnet is pulled so the throttle hall sensor does not get any voltage.
While I was looking for a killswitch I had to order like 5 different ones as it seems to be a usual thing to have a "closer" killswitch

and nerly no webshop has the description for these things right, even if you write them a mail in advance you will could end up with a god damn closer xD