Interesting controllers but my X-9000 is also VESC Based.
Even a nice plus is that it has a 12v converter build in, so no extra wiring and device needed to run things like lights / horn or a waterpump.
cool thing is, it has 3x 12v outlets one specific for Waterpump so you can set an exact value where it should start pumping for example motor temperature etc.
was thinking to maybe install a horn or some sort of funny sound device to warn ppl in front of be when I am about to overtake xD as I have seen some scary Stark crashed only happened since no one noticed the E Rider beeing behind them.
I just recieved the Bussmann fueses up to 125VDC and 500A and they seem solid.
but AMH is not a common fuse Type so there are no Fuse holders out there for AMH Fuses they are usually build in in specificly made Car Fuse systems.
So I went with an "ANF" fuse holder and modifyed it to fit the AMH fuse
I have seen many run this sort of connections "more open" (unisolated)
we are not talking a car here where the whole frame is the Negative Pole but I am still uncomfortable having any Positive leads exposed to the elements.
So I will even put a waterproof wrap around this fuse holder:
same goes for the open joints for the leads on the controller, planning to cover them with liquid electrical tape
all other wiring connectors on the bike I will additionally cover with waterproof heatshrinks
makes it harder to undo something of cause but I like the idea that I can carefree pressurewash the bike from any angle without having to fear that water stays in certain areas and can cause any damage.